Senior Christian Washington said his favorite social network is Twitter because it’s fun, and he can see what other people are thinking about, while being in the loop on what’s going on.
“What I like the most is that you can post random things and no one gets upset, but if you post things on Facebook people think that you’re crazy,” Washington said. “Every day I like to post stuff and talk to people. I only spend one hour every day because people talk to me from there a lot.”
I will describe Twitter as a drama for sure, though and sharing ideas.
“I like Twitter because I can connect with other people without actually seeing them,” Washington said.
Sophomore Ivan Castelan said his favorite social network is Facebook because he can find old friends and lost friends and talk to them.
“What I like the most is that you can share anything that’s going on in your life or thoughts, quotes and opinions. I get on Facebook only to check and see my statuses and what’s going on. I usually spend two hours on Facebook, and it’s a great social network because you can find friends and talk to them even though they don’t live close to you.”
Sophomore Alice Eaton said her favorite social network is Instagram because she can see her friends and what they are doing.
“What I like the most about Instagram is pretty much everything, but maybe the most is the effects. I like to take pictures and decorate it. I also like to check my friends pictures. I spend maximum about five hours at day. I describe Instagram as a fun and entertaining social network.”