Raising the Bar

By: Averi Floyd

 As she steps up to the bar, her hands shaking, her knees wobbly, and big butterflies in her stomach, she looks at all of the beady-eyed people staring at her intently. She takes a deep breath and focuses all her energy on her routine, and she sticks her landing.

Junior Nicole Lehrmann is a star gymnast who has been working on her technique and routines since she was three years old.

“I began gym when I was like three,” Lehrmann said. “My mom put my sisters and I in rec classes together and I loved it so much I’ve just stayed with it. I’ve been in gymnastics for about 13 years now.”

Lehrmann goes through intense workouts six days a week. She is fully committed to gymnastics. She loves it although sometimes its hard and straining.

“When I’m at gym, we warm up, and then we practice on things I need to critique,” Lehrman said. “We work on stuff over and over until it’s perfect and sometimes it takes hours of practicing the same thing over, but I think it’s worth it.”

Lehrmann does lots of strenuous workouts to get ready for meets. She eats healthier, works longer hours and hopes for the best during competitions. Lehrmann has about 10 meets per year.

“I just try to focus on doing my routines like I do in the gym every day,” Lehrmann said. “The main thing that freaks me out are all the people and judges staring me down.”

Lehrmann always has a positive attitude and always feels like there is room to improve. She is always so motivated and Inspired by the other gymnasts and instructors around her, and she loves it.

“I love the fact that in gymnastics there is always room to improve. I learn new things everyday,” Lehrmann said. “My instructors and other gymnasts around me push me to my limits and inspire me to be my best.”

One of Lehrmann’s’ favorite things to do, and one of her best stunts is at bar. She has loved bar since she started and thinks it brings out her inner child.

“I’ve always loved bar probably because it’s kind of like a more daredevil take on monkey bars,” Lehrmann said. “I feel kind of free. I guess it brings out my adventurous side.”

Although Lehrmann is very passionate about gymnastics and has been committed to it for 10 years, she said she doesn’t think she wants to do it long term. After college she is thinking of quitting gymnastics. She has no plan for doing the Olympics either.

“I really, really love doing gymnastics, but I don’t really see myself doing it after college,” Lehrmann said. “I’d rather start a family or traveling to a different country or do something like that.”

Lerhmann has a great group of friends and family that go to her tournaments, meets and even practices. They support her by giving her good advice and standing their cheering, sometimes even making signs.

“I love coming to Nicole’s meets, I have such a blast going,” sophomore Sarah Ellis said. “Nicole is super talented and has been doing gymnastics for so long. It takes a lot of commitment, and I’m so glad to be one of her close friends.”

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