Cheerleaders Prepare for Changes in Upcoming Tryouts

Cassie Blevins, Guest Reporter

The district has made a few changes regarding to the way students will try out for the cheerleading program. Tryouts are April 12th at Cedar Park High School.

One change to the cheer regulations is that sophomores are now able to make varsity. Also, the board voted to remove the freshman cheer team for next year. Meaning, the junior varsity (JV) team will cheer at both freshmen and JV games for sports.

“I want the changes to happen,” sophomore Mallory Warnock said. “I just don’t want sophomores to be able to make varsity.”

For tryouts, cheerleaders will perform and be judged on a dance and a cheer that is provided, along with their three best jumps, tumbling and their spiriting quality.

“We prepare for tryouts in class by working hard,” sophomore Kayli Reyna said. “We workout, run, go over motions, stunt, work on our jumps, stretch and improve our tumbling.”

The coach also gives out points during the week of tryouts depending on how hard the cheerleaders are working.

“The point system has also changed,” Warnock said. “Now, the cutoff is where the natural break in the scores of everyone is. For example, if 20 cheerleaders had around 120 points, and five girls only made a total of 90 points, those five girls wouldn’t make the team.”

In years past, there was a certain score candidates had to reach to make each team. Freshmen cheerleaders had to make 95 points. For junior varsity, they had to make 100 points, and for varsity, cheerleaders had to make a total of 110 points. Since there isn’t a certain score anymore, the cheerleaders have been working hard to make sure they get the highest number of points they can achieve.

“Tryouts are definitely nerve-wracking,” Reyna said. “Before the actual tryouts begin, we’re put into this room to work on everything before it’s time to stand before the judges. Cheerleaders have to tryout with two other people, three judges, your coach, and the seniors in the same room.”


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