Robots Compete for the Top

Jordann Mahoney, Guest Reporter

The Robotics team soared to super regionals on Feb. 26. As a “rookie” team, the Brobots and Eight Bit Bots exceeded expectations.

“Our theme is Mario, we are the old eight bit bots, and named our robot Jumpman, despite the fact that it can’t jump, we named it that because it was the original Mario,” junior Seth Knievel said. “I always enjoy going after school, work on the robot, then have some fun with friends. We are just this big nerdy family with a weird passion for building robots.”

    The team competed in the most difficult region against sister schools along with AISD and RRISD. After that, came regionals which was all of south Texas schools. At super regionals, they competed against schools from Texas, Louisiana and Tennessee schools.

     “We have a pretty great chance at making it to worlds, we won the Think award and that is an enormous accomplishment, keeping in mind that we are a rookie team, so yes, I do believe that we will do great,” junior Matthew Mc Clain said.

       Making a robot is not as easy as it sounds. There is lots of work to be done and many hours spent working on the big project. Being on a team requires dedication, social skills and enjoyment.

      “Our robot took us months to do. We worked hours and hours after school. Because its not just the assembling, we have to build it, do the software, program it and code it,” Knievel said. “Then we have to practice the robot, work out the bugs and practice, practice, practice. It takes so much time. But it’s worth it thanks to the amazing people I’m with. Basically when you lock a ton of nerds into the same room, good things will come.”

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