Random Ranger: Hannah Rumbarger

Hannah Rumbarger

Kaila Gillam, Reporter

Hannah Rumbarger, 12th grade

Pets: None

Clubs and sports: DECA and vice president of National Honor Society

Describe your first few days: “Actually really nice,” Rumbarger said. “It didn’t feel different coming back.”

Last movie you saw: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Last book you read: 1984 by George Orwell

Favorite class so far: AP Biology. “Even if its really hard, I find it really interesting to find out the fundamental elements of our earth.”

Favorite thing about Vista Ridge: The variety of classes you can take.

If you ran the school, what is one thing you would change: To remove the only water policy

One word to describe you:  Ambitious

One word to describe your iPod Playlist: Diverse

You’re not embarrassed to admit: I love Drake.

Biggest Difference From Last Year: Way stricter

Something you’re obsessed with: “Sushi,” Rumbarger said. “Because there is such a variety of kinds. Its so raw and all you need is rice and fish, and it’s just so good.”

Biggest Worry: “Not getting into UT.”


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