Random Ranger: Riley Wilcox

Kaila G, Reporter

Riley Wilcox, 12th grade

Pets: None

Clubs and sports: FFA, Key Club and basketball.

Describe your first few days: “It was tiring,” Wilcox said. “Too much stress, but easy.”

Last movie you saw: Tangled

Last book you read: Doctor Faustus

Favorite class so far: Theater Tech.

Favorite thing about Vista Ridge: The color

If you ran the school, what is one thing you would change: “We’d wear roller blades.”

One word to describe you:  Happy

One word to describe your iPod Playlist: Shuffle

You’re not embarrassed to admit: “That I like girls.”

Biggest Difference From Last Year: “It’s easier.”

Something you’re obsessed with: Music

Biggest Worry: Failing a class

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