New Teacher Feature: Mrs. Avila
October 23, 2014
With the start of a new school year comes many changes. There are new classes, new friends, and of course, new teachers. There are 23 new teachers this year. One of these new teachers is Mrs. Brittany Avila who is currently teaching Spanish I and II.
Q: Say something about yourself.
A: I like salsa dancing. I learned Spanish in high school, and dancing was kind of what propelled me to learn more Spanish so that I could go to different countries. I’ve traveled a lot. I’m a medical interpreter on the side.
Q: Medical interpreter? What’s that?
A: That’s where I go to clinics and hospitals, and I work with doctors or caregivers and their patients who speak Spanish, and I interpret from English to Spanish so that their patients can receive care.
Q: What made you want to be a teacher?
A: I studied Spanish and French in college, and I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do with it. So, I did a teaching program as a plan B. And when I student-taught, I really loved it, so I decided to go ahead and continue teaching.
Q: Where were you before you came to Vista Ridge? What made you want to come?
A: Before, I was at Westwood, and I was at schools abroad. And Vista Ridge was a good option for me because the department works really well together, and I know the students are very great and wonderful. So, I moved here.
Q: Could you see yourself doing anything other than teaching? Did you have any other ideas before?
A: Yes. I’m also interested in midwifery, which is helping women during pregnancy and with having their babies.
Q: What do you know now that you wish you knew back in high school? What is something you would tell your high school self if you could?
A: I would’ve told myself to do the things that I love and worry less about what people thought of me. There are lots of personalities in high school, and those personalities continue on throughout the rest of life. So, you have to be you. [High school] is the easiest time in life to do all the things you want to do.