Recovery & Return: Senior Shooting Guard Back on Court

Ronald Fisher III, Guest Reporter

Hustling down the court, senior Katrina Pardee dribbles the ball on a fast break in a summer league game against Anderson. As she gets by the defenders, she goes up for a euro step layup, but then her leg comes out, and she falls awkwardly. The crowd instantly becomes silent.

Pardee plays shooting guard, and is the team captain on the varsity basketball team; however, she will not play most of this season. She is currently undergoing physical therapy for her torn ACL while hoping to come back in the second round of district play.

“I went up for a euro step, and I stepped and then jab stepped. And then, my knee felt like it just gave out,” Pardee said. “It didn’t hurt super bad, but I was really scared because I knew something was wrong. I have never been hurt this bad before. That wasn’t anything close to twisting an ankle.”

Since Pardee is currently injured, she will not participate in practices and games. Instead, she is recovering by running in straight lines, lifting light weights and doing small jumps to loosen up her leg. Experiencing how it feels to be sidelined, helps Pardee’s leadership skills.

“Its helped me a lot being sidelined because I’m allowed to help my teammates which allows me to learn more about the game,” Pardee said. “Also, it helps with communication because I can talk to my teammates more often. I’m also recovering faster than I thought, so I hope I return early.”

Katrina has achieved several awards from her previous years in high school, but now she will receive a new award. With her leadership, her role has elevated to a player-coach.

“Previous years the team chemistry was great,” Pardee said. “I think it’s perfect.”

Pardee signed with West Virginia in November. She plans to focus on the same goals she set in high school as a player and a person.

“I think I’ve left a mark on Vista Ridge statistically and also because the kind of person I am,” Pardee said. “I know I’m a good student, and I’ll also be there when people need me.”

This will be Katrina’s last year in high school, but she will still be able to contribute to the team with her leadership off the court. With a fast recovery, she will play late in the season. She also knows that she can contribute to West Virginia in any aspect of the game.

“I want to be the best player I can be,” Pardee said. “I feel like I need to make an impact freshman year, so I can play it out. Also, I can be a great teammate because I don’t want to be like an ordinary freshman on the bench. I want to be a leader from the start.”


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