Star Steppers Finish Three-Day Auditions Today

Carolyn Glaesener, Guest Reporter

To select new members for their 2015-2016 dance team, the Star Steppers will hold auditions at the dance studio from Monday, Dec. 1 through Wednesday, Dec 3.

Every student who is passionate about dance and wants to be a part of the Star Steppers is encouraged to tryout, no matter their dance experience.

“I honestly believe that anybody can tryout,” senior Star Steppers captain Gabby Azios said. “Why not put yourself out there, why not give yourself the challenge? You never know what can happen.”

Nonetheless, students wanting to tryout should be aware of what it means to be a Star Stepper and how demanding it is.

“The basics of being a Star Stepper and what is expected of you is organization, keeping up with your grades, always doing your best and practicing routines to perfection every day,” junior Star Stepper Carly Nicholson said. “We have practice every day, so it takes up a lot of your time. It also takes a lot of strength, mentally and physically.”

Azios said it also requires a hard-working attitude since a Star Stepper should always be willing to push themselves to get better and stronger.

“It takes a lot of enthusiasm and love for dance,” Azios said. “You have to be dedicated to it because after all, we practice every day, so you have to really love to be in it.”

The tryouts will be held over a three-day period. On Monday, the students will learn a routine which is a little less than two minutes and includes a lot of technique. On Tuesday, the routine will be reviewed, and the students will be given additional advice. Also, there will be a mock audition in which the parents are allowed to watch.

The actual audition takes place on Wednesday. The students will be divided in groups and perform the routine in front of judges.

“The skills we look for is technique, flexibility and mental and physical strength,” Nicholson said. “Having the ability to maintain your grades and time management is a huge skill to have on a team, too.”

At the end of Wednesday, the students will be given a letter telling them whether they made the team or not.

“If you didn’t make it, don’t give up,” Azios said. “Just keep working hard and tryout the next year. A lot of times they look at if you tried out last year and if you come back, they think ‘Look at that, she really wants it.’”

The students who made the team will be put in a dance team prep class for second semester, being labeled and recognized as a ‘Starling’.

“You spend that semester training and learning about Star Steppers and what it involves,” Azios said. “Once summer hits, then you actually are inducted on the Star Steppers and become part of the team.”

For the future Star Steppers, an eventful time will be lying ahead: competitions, numerous performances at shows, supporting the school at basketball and football games – there is no off-season for dance. But nonetheless, being on the team means much more than being busy.

“To me, personally it means that I am part of a group of girls that have a common goal. It’s that sense of being a part of something,” Nicholson said. “Star Steppers is just a great thing to be a part of.”

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