Varsity Girls Soccer Eyes Post-Season

Kyle John, Guest Reporter

Following last years third round playoffs run the Lady Rangers soccer team is looking to improve and achieve its ultimate goal of winning a state title.

“At the beginning of preseason we had some problems of working together and knowing the difference between constructive criticism and just being mean,” junior Sophie Taylor said. “But we have gotten over that and now we are so close and we play much better as a team.”

Despite their tough 2-1 loss against defending state champions Vandegrift, they are still looking ahead.

“Our relationship as a team has grown so much that we play as a unit and have outstanding players that lead the team,” Taylor said.

Taylor who has recently committed to play soccer at the next level for the University of Auburn and as a upperclassmen has taken more of a leadership role this year.

“I feel like I have improved most as an individual this year because of the competitiveness to want to win every game,” Taylor said. “Going on the field every time we play, and giving it my all.”

The Lady Rangers prepared in the offseason as well as anyone, playing with their club teams and training together becoming closer on and off the field.

“Our offseason prepared us well and we came into the season in shape and prepared to play against anyone. We have definitely had some rough patches but in the end we are family and closer then ever this year,” Taylor said.

Becoming better friends on and off of the field, the Lady Rangers look to achieve their goal of becoming state champions.

“My favorite part about being a part of the team is getting to play the sport I love with all my best friends,” Taylor said. “So far and going into the future, I think we will do better and have done better than last year because of how well we play together and individually.”

The Lady Rangers look to improve their 7-2 record in district with a win Friday night over Vandegrift.

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