Random Ranger: Rylee Bailey

Jaiden Alley, Reporter

Rylee Bailey, 10

Pets: I have one cat named JJ.

Clubs and sports involved in: I’m on Star Steppers.

Favorite sonic Drink: Blue raspberry slush

Book every student should read:  “Knuffle Bunny” by Mo Willems

Favorite teacher: Coach Bailey because he is my dad.

Favorite thing about Vista Ridge:  Star Steppers

If you ran the school, what would you change: off campus lunch

One word to describe you: hoodlum

One word to describe your playlist: Weeknd

You’re not embarrassed to admit: Cheese makes me make faces.

Something you can’t live without: Jaiden Alley

Biggest difference from last year: Star Steppers because of morning practices and all the performances.

You’re obsessed with: The word “brotha.” I say it all the time.

Biggest worry: That I’m going to lose my title as a hoodlum.

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