Diego Segovia: The Mechanic

Diego Segovia

Lucy Stevens, Guest Reporter

In his Uncle’s car shop when he was 12,  junior Diego Segovia discovered what he wanted to do with his life – mechanical engineering. He uncovered an old Mustang in the shop and is still working on it to this day.

Finding his potential career so early in his life, Segovia had plenty of time to participate in activities and programs that would help mold him for this profession such as different engineering and robotics classes and clubs.

“Working in engineering and robotics gives me experience in the field I would like to pursue a career in,” Segovia said. “I want to design formula 1 engines or rebuild old cars.”

Despite his claims of not having one, Segovia claims his robotics programs often put a hold on his social life.

“Most robotic events interfere with my social life,” Segovia said. “A lot of last minute problems erupt and need to be taken care of immediately. It’s definitely worth it though.”

Although it limits him from social outings, Segovia believes these programs give a sense of unity to his life and evens out his time among different groups.

“Both engineering and robotics have taught me to be more responsible,” Segovia said. “They have helped me balance my social life with my academic life. I have friends that I’ve met through robotics and engineering, and I have friends who have nothing to do with them. I think it’s important to have that diversity.”

While he says diversity is important, Segovia thinks that the people he works with are the thing that could make or break his love for the clubs.

“Getting together with people and collaborating on different projects is my favorite thing about engineering,” Segovia said. “But the worst thing is also having to work with people. Sometimes you just don’t mesh well with other personalities, and when that happens it can be difficult to get things done.”

Even when faced with people he might not get along with, Segovia is still head over heels for the programs and clubs that he participates in, countering every con with a silver lining.

“Engineering has made me more academically inclined,” Segovia said. “It’s pushed me to do the best I can inside and outside of school. Yeah, it has it’s moments where there’s nothing I’d like to do more than quit, but I know over all i’m doing what I love to do.”

With all of his passion for engineering and robotics, the future looks bright for Segovia. While he doesn’t have a blueprint for the continuation of his career, he seems to have a path pointed in the right direction.

“I want to design and work with automotive engines,” Segovia said. “I want to have a team of employees at a relatively popular company to aid me in making the best product we can. Preferably high performance cars. I’m not sure how i’ll make it happen, but i’m sure I can.”

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