Tennis team serves ideas about this year’s season

Tennis team serves ideas about this year's season

Emily Mertink, Reporter

It’s tennis season again. Sam, Ashley, and Drew share what is challenging for them and what their favorite part about being on the team is. The next varsity tournament is tomorrow, Sept. 9 at home.

Sam Escalon, 12

Q: What’s your favorite part about being on the tennis team?

A: Going to tournaments with my teammates and bonding with them on the drive on the way there and back.


Q: Are there any “rituals” you do before each tennis match?

A: Yes. I always say a prayer before I play so I’ll stay focused and play the best I can.


Q: What’s the most challenging thing for you?

A: When I’m losing a match, and I need to stay positive and not let it affect the rest of my game.



Ashley Mack, 10


Q: What is your favorite part about being on the tennis team?

A: I like how I get to build strong relationships with my teammates. I also love the feeling when I hit the ball exactly right. It makes me feel accomplished and gives me such a happy feeling.


Q: Do you have any “rituals” you do before you play a game or match?

A: Yes. I get a bottle of Gatorade and mix it with a bottle of tangerine coconut water and add ice. Chugging the drink before a game cools me down and provides a good amount of potassium so I don’t cramp up during the game.


Q: What’s the most challenging thing about playing tennis?

A: The most challenging thing about tennis is having to play consistently. Tennis is a very consistent game, so I must do my best to play the same every time. Accepting my failure and trying to improve is another thing that can be challenging because no one likes to accept that they failed at something.



Drew Bodden, 11


Q: What’s your favorite part about being on the tennis team?

A: I get to make friends that will last through my high school years. I’ll always have them there for me and that is nice.


Q: Do you prefer singles or doubles tennis matches?

A: I prefer singles this year. It’s easier to stay focused on the game. Last year I liked doubles, but this year I like singles because it goes by quicker.


Q: What’s the most challenging thing for you?

A: Trying to stay calm when I feel down or slow. Whether it’s a singles or doubles match, it’s hard to have a positive attitude when I’m losing. In a singles match it’s hard because the results of the match are all up to me and when I get tired I have to keep going and do my best.


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