Favorite Things About Fall

September 22, 2016
Time to bundle up for the next few months. The fall season is upon us and Texans hope to experience a change in the weather really soon. It’s time for students to wear the fall clothes they have been waiting all year to show off. A few students share their favorite things about the season.
Hunter Harwick, 12
Q: What’s your favorite thing to wear during the fall season?
A: “Sweaters. They are comfortable and versatile. You can add layers or just wear one by itself and it still looks pretty good.”
Q: What’s your favorite thing about fall?
A: “The weather! Because it’s so nice outside, and I can finally wear sweaters because it’s nice and cool.”
Q: What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
A: “I’m not dressing up this year.”
Q: What are you doing for Halloween?
A: “I might go to a friend’s party. She might have a Halloween-themed birthday party, so I might dress up for that, but I’m not sure what I’ll dress up as.”
Q:What’s your favorite fall clothing item?
A: “Socks. I like fuzzy socks, knitted socks, and sweater socks. I put them where my boots are so they stick out a little bit so everyone can see my socks.”
Q: What’s your favorite thing about fall?
A: “The vibes that everyone gives off during the season. In my opinion, everyone in my life is just so much happier when it’s fall. I also love Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Those are the best holidays of the year. They all come one after the other and that’s so exciting.”
Q: What are you going to be for Halloween this year?
A: “I think I’m gonna be a gypsy.”
Q: Why did you choose to be a gypsy?
A: “For a choir field trip we are going to a Renaissance festival and that will be my costume when we go, so I can just wear it again for Halloween.”
Logan Caraway, 12
Q: What’s your favorite thing to wear when it’s the fall season?
A: “For me, personally, I like to wear jeans. I like shorts too though. I’m a fan of summer wear, and I like it more than what I wear in the fall. But, when the season comes, I like to wear jeans, because you can wear them with anything and they still look good.”
Q: What’s your favorite thing about fall?
A: “Definitely the holidays. I love Halloween, and I love Thanksgiving. Even though it’s in winter, I love Christmas too. I like decorations, and I like the weather. I also like spooky things during Halloween.”
Q: What are you planning to dress up as for Halloween?
A: “I’m going to be Sia. I’ll have the wig, do my make-up, have the dress and heels, and wear a giant bow, which is her statement look. I’m going to go all out.”
Q: What will do you on Halloween?
A: “I’m planning to go to one of my friend’s party. I’m not sure yet though.”