Senior Spotlight: Neal Sutaria

Ashley Mack and Zoe Bollinger, Reporters

Q: What are your plans after high school?

A: I am going to the UT Austin to major in business. In the future, I plan on becoming a consultant.

Q: What’s something you’ll never forget?

A: I will never forget the tennis team. Tournaments were so much fun, and I got have fun with my friends. We played tennis everyday for hours and made great memories. DECA was memorable too! It was a lot of work but the competitions payed off.

Q: If money didn’t matter what would you do after high school?

A: If money didn’t matter and I could do anything I wanted after high school, I would be a literature professor because I love to read. I enjoy classic literature and Shakespeare.

Q: What do you value in life?

A: I value my family. Throughout high school they were always there for me. I also value my tennis teammates! They got through four years of tennis with me.

Q: What advice would you give to your freshman self?

A: Advice I would give would be to work hard for grades but don’t stress out too much. Grades are important so that should be the priority.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?

A: In five years I see myself trying to get my masters and then going to to graduate school. I hope after that I become a consultant at an investment firm. That’s the dream.

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