Traffic source of after-school stress

Vanessa Anderson, Reporter

Traffic congestion at parent pickup traffic has been apparent for years. In fact, it’s never surprising if one remains stuck in the school parking lot for 15 minutes. Senior Amanda Eastwood knows the traffic of getting into the school, while sophomore Sarena Anderson knows the before and after school traffic.

“People [are] not pulling ahead the furthest they can go [parent drop-off].” Anderson said. “They’re waiting until they get right in front of the doors to exit the car. Maybe not all of them do this, but it makes it so the line can’t move faster.”

Not pulling ahead can cause traffic to stop, and this keeps parents too far away from the school to drop off their child. But just because traffic is bad doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed.

“We could get a cop to regulate it,” Eastwood said. “I feel like if there was a cop there it could be manageable.”

Another area of student concern is the stop sign near the tennis court that drivers often ignore so they could get home faster. But it’s a two-way stop, and every one car that doesn’t stop at the stop sign is someone who has to wait longer to get home.

“[People are] not stupid,” Anderson said. “They are fully aware that they are ignoring traffic laws in going through the stop sign rather than waiting for when they have the right of way. I consider this to be very rude because they’re just blatantly ignoring the people that also want to get home.”

But when there’s a problem with a person’s driving in general, traffic can become worse than it already is, potentially endangering a student’s safety.

“I was at the stoplight at Vista Ridge,” Eastwood said. “And this parent thought it was a good idea to drop off their kid at a stop sign and cut through [three lanes of] traffic.”

Cutting through three lanes of traffic is dangerous. Not only does it make others stop so the person can cut through, but if someone was driving while this person cut them off, they could’ve crashed.

“The stop sign is there for a reason,” Eastwood said. “If you get in a crash and the other person has the right of way, that’s your fault.”

Refusing to stop at a stop sign is not only illegal but warrants frustration from the many people watching others pass through when they don’t have the right of way.

“It gets frustrating having to wait in the line when you have to watch other people disobeying traffic laws and not letting us through,” Anderson said. “We all wanna go home. It’s not like if you wait at that stop sign you’re not gonna get home.”


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