New officers lead the way for CARE

Christy Chohrach, 12

Kaya McDonough-Perkins, Reporter

This year in CARE (Christ Among Rangers Everyday), the club has four new officers president senior, Christy Chohrach, vice president junior, Noah Meyer, treasurer junior, Kaya McDonough-Perkins, and secretary sophomore, Hannah Benitez. The Word sat down with Chohrach and Benitez and asked them about how the year is and how leadership is going.

What is your favorite thing about CARE?

Chohrach: I love how everybody expresses their love and are always there for each other. It’s a place where you can trust everybody and I obviously love expressing my faith. It’s great to come to a place where everybody sees that and expresses it too.

Benitez: I like how everyone has their own opinion on how to interpret the Bible and have different understandings of everyone’s thoughts.


How do you think this year is going so far?

Chohrach: I think it’s actually going good, considering it’s a big change from last year since the seniors left. It’s a big role for me to be the president, but I’m so honored and glad. Even though there have been some days.


Is it hard being a leader in CARE?

Benitez:  At first it was a little nerve-racking, but then I got used to it. I like being in a leadership role because I get to help people and share my opinions more.


How did you find out about CARE?

Chohrach: A senior last year, Katherine Rossmiller, she came into choir one day and she said, “hey I know you love Jesus, do you want to join CARE?” I was already thinking about joining it my freshman year, but I wasn’t sure because I wasn’t all involved in my faith, but then when I got to CARE I just fell in love.


How much time do you spend on preparing for Bible study?

Chohrach: I have a method, I look into my Bible and flip to a random page. I read it and see if it resonates with me. I usually do it the night before, which I know sounds bad, but I actually put a lot of time into it.

Benitez: Usually if I’m the one leading, I prep the night before, and I put time into studying it to figure out what I can do for the group.


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