Spanish club hosts Dia de los Muertos

Ross Medure, Reporter

Dia de los Muertos, better known as “Day of the Dead,” was celebrated in a unique way with the non-English speaking families on campus Nov. 1.

Dia de los Muertos represents a loved one’s passing and return to earth. Families celebrate together, bringing food, creating shrines, singing, dancing and dressing up to honor their ancestors and advance the family line.

Senior Flor Fuentes, member of the Spanish club, was one of the bilingual students at the celebration who helped Spanish speaking family members become a part of the campus community with the absence of a language barrier.

“I think it really helped nervous, Spanish-speaking parents open up and get involved with our school,” Fuentes said. “There isn’t really any informational nights for them so this was kinda their thing.”

The Dia de los Muertos celebration and similar events promote diversity and welcome the minority, non-English speaking families on campus that would normally remain at home.

“My family is Hispanic, and they haven’t really associated with anybody at the high school,” Fuentes said. “I hope that my little siblings and other Hispanic kids at the school take this advantage because it’s a wonderful opportunity, and I hope that they keep doing it for years to come.”

The turnout was higher than expected, with around 10 families each containing at least seven members each.

The celebration welcomed faculty members, non-Spanish and Spanish speaking to join in the traditions.

“We did a lot. There was even a traditional Mexican dance group, Ballet Folklorico,” Fuentes said. “My favorite part was when Mr. Nguyen and Mrs. Ornelas sang in Spanish, it was so good!”

Fuentes said the Spanish club was very satisfied with the celebration, and it will most likely become an annual tradition to help families get involved with children’s educations.

“Just get involved, being there around lots of supportive, welcoming people really helps,” Fuentes said. “Definitely just put yourself out there, it’s worth it.”

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