Baseball to start tryouts in January

Second period baseball scrimmages in costume on Halloween.

Roman Alejandro, Reporter

Baseball season is coming up soon, and the team is preparing for tryouts in January.

“I have a good feeling about this baseball season,” sophomore Ethan Stiff said. “Everyone on the team is getting ready for this season by coming to the weight room every day and giving it their all.”

Most of the sophomores on the team are taking this season seriously. Going to work out every day of the week and practice on batting and throwing.

“Practicing with the team has been an experience to remember,” Stiff said “Getting to work with them helps with building trust and communication with each other. Those are two most important skills when it comes to baseball.”

With the season approaching, they have to prepare for what is ahead and build team chemistry.

“The bond with us is strong and is getting stronger by the day,” sophomore Azure Allen said. “The greatest thing in baseball is getting to build these bonds with each other. This will further help with winning more games.”

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