Blue Santa raises record-breaking $3, 545

Kurtis Colburn, Reporter

With the faculty basketball showdown and hot chocolate and cookies in the library, students donated to the 10th annual Blue Santa drive last Friday, Dec. 8.

Friday’s festivities raised  $3,545, an all-time high for the event. Blue Santa is a non-profit, community-based corporation dedicated to helping less fortunate families. The Cedar Park Police Department spearheads this cause every holiday season.

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) sponsored the event under the direction of sponsors Amy Kranz and Katie Coopwood.

“In Blue Santa, we collect a bunch of toys, and we raise money for the Cedar Park Police Department,” junior Alice Brito said. “Then they donate all of the money and toys to the families that can’t afford to have Christmas.”

Volunteers will hand out toys to families on Saturday, Dec. 16. For the first time, Brito will be among them.

“Last year, I just handed out cookies and whatnot,” Brito said. “But this year, I’m going to go and help and directly give the presents to families.”

Volunteers seeking to help the less fortunate have options for helping out.

“If a student is looking to do more for the cause, they should join FCCLA. We help wrap the gifts, and directly give them to families,” Brito said. “The Cedar Park Police Department, obviously, also helps us with that.”

FCCLA hosts this event every year. FCCLA is a non-profit, student organization dedicated to helping the community.

“I think events like these are important because not only does it get Vista’s name out there, it also does the same for FCCLA,” Brito said. “We get to see our work, and see that we gave Christmas to people that wouldn’t have had one otherwise.”

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