Random Ranger: Annie Graham

Makayla Brown, Reporter

What are you involved in on campus?: I’m on the Star Steppers, which is the school drill team. Dancing is my biggest hobby.  I’m very grateful for it because I get to meet so many new people, and it gives me opportunities to dance a lot more. I’ll never forget all the friends I’ve made being on the team.

What has been the best thing about your school year so far?: We had our first Friday football game. I danced with my team at halftime and it was exciting. I really love performing with all my friends, and I had a great time, although I was nervous before we performed.

What do most people not know about the dance team?: All the practice we put in is something most people forget about. Every morning we’re at the school at 7:30 working on dances. When I’m with my teammates the time goes by faster.

What was the best part of your first football game?: My favorite part was sitting in the stands and cheering on the team. The game becomes more exciting when you’re with your friends and encouraging the team. We had cowbells so that we could be louder, and I had a lot of fun with them.

Describe your drill team experience: So far, the team has been a lot of work, but exciting at the same time. It’s also been a little nerve-wracking because we have to audition every dance that we perform.

What is one thing people should know about the dance team?: It’s definitely harder than it looks, because when people watch us they don’t think about the work that goes into it. Also, people don’t realize how we have to work together in order to succeed.

How do you and your teammates work together?: We have a chant that we do, “Fun, Friends, Family, Forever,” and we say it before any performance and after every practice because it reminds us that we’re a team and that if we don’t work together nothing will work. We always support each other because that’s what will make us bond more. This chant means a lot to me because it describes my experience on the team so far.


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