Random Ranger: Miguel Mondragon

Andre Covian, Reporter

Miguel Mondragon,  12th grade

Are you looking forward to the school year? “I know that at the end of summer I be missing school, and I know that this year will fly by. But I hope I got a smile on my face when I walk.”

How was working a job over the summer? “It’s been alright at Wash N’ Roll but the heat was really getting to me, just having to go out when it’s blazing hot is definitely a challenge.”

Is there anything you will remember from the job? “Having the whole team go out and eat, just having a great time really was a sweet memory.

What is something that you’ll remember from high school? “Prom night had a lot of exciting things happen. Really my favorite was pulling up to the parking lot and just showing off my car.”

What’s your plans for after high school? “To attend a technical college and study auto mechanics and after graduating to have my own shop.”

What’s are some of your interests? “I’ve always loved cars, I’m actually upgrading some of my parts soon.”

What kind of car do you drive? “It’s a RX8 Mazda that is mine, but my whole family has their own tricked up cars.”

What have you done to your Mazda? “Currently I’m trying to boost it. But right now I have a cold air intake, stage 2 clutch, lighter flywheel, and a straight pipe exhaust.”

How did you get into cars? “I’ve always had a passion for working on cars. My uncle got me into it young and I’ve loved it ever since.”

Is there anything that you will remember from a teacher? “Just how amazing the teachers are and how they are always supporting me and without them I’d probably been held back.”


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