Random Ranger: Andrew Delany

Andrew Delany

12th Grade

Do you have any hobbies or any interesting activities you’re into? : I’m in NJROTC and that takes up a lot of my time. I like to play guitar and play a lot of video game.

What is ROTC about? : So ROTC is a citizenship development class in which students are called cadets and they go in followers then come out leaders

What do you do in ROTC? : There is a class that we call a platoon and in each platoon you either have academic days where you go over Navy knowledge, drill days where you work on marching and military movements, uniform days, and PT days.

Is ROTC like being in the military? : Not at all. It establishes rules, responsibilities, and guidelines like the military, but there isn’t as many obligations as an actual military.

After high school are you going into the military? : I am enlisted in the Navy in the delayed entry program. I’m looking into having a career in nuclear engineering.

You said like to play guitar right? What got you into playing the guitar? : I just started to pick it up around the sixth grade, started taking lessons for about three years. Then throughout high school I’ve been teaching myself more. I just like expressing myself with music and creating something.

Do you want to pursue music later in life? : For now I’ll want to keep it as a hobby

Has there been any shocking high and low moments this year? : Not many highs, but in the beginning it was chaotic with all the freshmen not knowing how to navigate the hallways.

What’s a change for you now being a senior? : Senior year really try to base a lot of it for college, they give you loose deadlines and take it easy because I think they know how as seniors we mostly have jobs now and are really busy with life.

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