Outdoor Adventure Club hosts trips throughout the year

Dana Kim, Reporter

To get more fresh air, the outdoor adventure clubs hosts many trips throughout the year. Outdoor Adventure club consists of being active and going to many locations such as camping, fishing, hiking, and kayaking.

“I always spent my childhood outside, riding bikes or climbing trees, doing that kind of stuff,” club sponsor Johanna Tudtud said. “I have kids, and kids nowadays don’t really do much of that, so that’s when I figured, we’ll do something like that. I wanted to make sure that students have a connection with the environment and not just focus on school or electronics. I want to make sure that they pass it on to their children when they grow up. I wanted them to be more active in the outdoors.”

The club was started by fellow students on campus, hoping to spread their love for the outdoors. The founders wanted to make a club where everyone could get away from high school stress. To be a member you must sign a social contract form, attend five out of six meetings and participate in a service activity.

“My friend and I started the club because we saw that in our school they didn’t really have a unique outdoor club, and we really loved doing stuff outdoors like hiking and camping,” senior Spenser Young said. “Most schools don’t have it, and we love it, so why not start it here. We started the idea, and it shot off like a rocket after that. I like how peaceful and set everything is. It’s a nice feeling to be outside or do anything outside. It puts me in a reflective state, it’s nice to be, and it’s beautiful, like the imagery.”

Club members participate in community service events such as picking up trash at Brushy Creek are included. The club goes on monthly trips which are usually prepaid from the upfront fee. If an entrance fee is required, you must bring $10-$15, including food expenses as well.

We’ve had meetings where students have come up with different ideas as on where to go, or the type of activities that we should be doing,” Tudtud said. “It’s just impressive to find out how many people can do different things, and we can learn from each other, like if somebody knows how to fish, camp, set a fire, and it was really nice to know that at least somebody knows how to do something that somebody else hasn’t done, so it sounded really fun. Because of them, I have gone to places that I didn’t think about going to, even with my family.”


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