Humans of Vista Ridge

Constance Holder, Reporter


“I was a freshman when I first joined [Teen Court*], and I was looking for activities to get myself involved in because I didn’t really know what I was interested in. I saw Teen Court, and I thought it would be a good way to expose myself to how a court works and see the different responsibilities and different careers people have there. I really like that it allows us as kids to represent other kids and actually create valid, real arguments in real life. It’s a really good opportunity to expose yourself to the interworkings of courts and see if you want to do that as a career in the future. Even though I don’t want to be an attorney, it really helped me with my public speaking skills, so it was helpful.”

-Sannidhi Koganti, 11

*Teen Court is an organization created by the Cedar Park Municipal Court that holds trials for teens, run by teens. The jury, attorneys, and defendants are all teenage residents of the Greater Austin area.


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