Incubator groups give product pitches

Constance Holder, Reporter

Junior Jehaan Dalal talks about his recent product pitch for Incubator.

Q: What made you join Incubator?

A: The fact that we could create businesses in high school and really get exposed to the business world before college.


Q: What was the process of developing your idea like?

A: We had one day where we wrote down a bunch of problems that we wanted to be solved. We had a group of four people, and we picked our favorite one.


Q: What do you like most about your group?

A: Our teamwork. It’s very solid. We’re all friends, and we’re all passionate about the idea and want to move forward.


Q: What project are you working on?

A: We’re working on an app called InstaCloset. It’s an app where you can take pictures of your clothes and upload it to your virtual closet, and there it’ll generate outfits based on your style and what you like to wear.


Q: How did you feel going into your pitch?

A: I felt good, confident. It went well. We’ve been preparing slides the whole year, and we were ready. The judges said they really liked our idea.


Q: What are you looking forward to about Accelerator next year?

A: I’m looking forward to making our product into a real idea and actually developing the app.

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