Varsity Volleyball Sets up for Success

Jazra Williams, Reporter


The varsity volleyball team defeated the Hendrickson Hawks in three sets, leading the girls into tonight’s game versus the Vandegrift Vipers.

6-1 in district, the team is making great progress through the season.

“We play 16 games throughout the season,” senior Molly Mastardoni said. “We should beat all the teams we have before, and with the other teams it should be a toss up, but we’ve been doing pretty well, and I think we have a nice spot for the playoffs.”

A big win against the Round Rock Dragons lit a fire for the program.

“The toughest team we’ve played so far is definitely Round Rock,” junior setter Ali Meyer said. “We’ve never beaten Round Rock before, so to beat them it’s a big deal because we pretty much took them out of the running to be one of the top teams this year.”

The girls have been preparing to knock out other schools for a chance at the playoffs.

“Coach Lamb mainly does our scouting reports, then she’ll alter practice to how our opponents play,” Meyer said. “For example, whenever we played McNeil, they don’t close their outside block, so our entire practice was focused about setting outside of the pin and hitting line.”

The team’s motto for the whole season is ‘no regrets’.

“We want to go into each game putting all we have on the court,” Mastardoni said. “Not having to look back and say, ‘oh I wish I could’ve done this or done that.’ We want to be able to go in all give it our all.”

The energy for the volleyball games is one of the key components to their success.

“It’s great to see everyone coming out to support, and it feels good having everybody back us up,” Mastardoni said. “Whenever the student section is there and being loud, it definitely brings more energy. It helps to motivate and encourage us to keep pushing throughout the game”

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