What’s Up With That?: The Beanie Ban

Walking through the cafeteria, Moustafa Neematallah is asked to take off his hat by the nearest AP.

Raiyan Shaik and Dana Kim

With the cold season upon us, many students turn to beanies, hoodies and hats to keep themselves warm. However, in the current dress code, none of those items are allowed during school hours.

“We are preparing students for the real world,” assistant principal Barb Ixba said. “The fact of the matter is that no matter where you work, you’re going to have a dress code. They’re going to expect you to wear certain items. We want to help prepare students to understand that.”

The reason behind the beanie ban is primarily due to security concerns. Individuals are asked to not wear these items in order for faces to be clearly seen on the security cameras throughout the school. 

“One of the reasons is safety and security concerns,” Ixba said. “Honestly, when it comes to safety, our first priority as administrators is to make sure that all students feel safe.”

However, the specific rule against beanies and hoodies has some students upset. 

“People like to wear hoodies and beanies and taking them off doesn’t quite feel comfortable,” freshman Rebecca Renfro said. “It’s just a matter of letting people know if you want to talk to them or if you don’t.”

Ultimately, the dress code is up to the discretion of the school board, and administrators enforce it accordingly. 

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