Acing tests, going to club meetings, completing assignments, hanging with friends, writing essays, volunteering, and keeping track of it all to ensure nothing is forgotten.
High school is a serious balancing act for students like Kaitlyn To. Maintaining exemplary grades, while being committed to extracurriculars, and still trying to have fun is a lot, but with graduation soon approaching it will have all been worth it.
One of To’s most notable achievements is being ranked one of the top ten students of the class of 2024. It takes enormous effort to accomplish this, especially in a very competitive school like Vista, but with hard work and dedication To made the dream a reality.
“Knowing that I’m officially part of the top 10 of the class makes me feel really accomplished,” To said. “I worked really hard balancing my academic and social life and it being able to pay off in that manner makes me really proud of myself.”
To may be known for her academic excellence, but she has achieved so much in and out of the classroom. A major success of To’s is her presidency of Key Club. Through this role To made a major impact by organizing volunteer opportunities for the almost 60 members of the club along with helping her community firsthand.
“My favorite part of being involved in Key Club was knowing that I was helping people make a difference,” To said. “Leading different service projects and knowing our team was actively helping out within the community was fulfilling to me.”
To has been involved with the club since freshman year and got her first officer position sophomore year. From this leadership experience, she gained an understanding of valuable lessons and that sometimes the best way to lead is to step back.
“As president, I think the most important thing I learned was when to take initiative,” To said. “I used to really struggle with wanting to control everything, but through my role, I learned that I was meant to guide everyone in what they needed to do rather than do it for them.”
The high school era isn’t just about things you can put a resume though. Having fun and enjoying the ride was an essential part of To’s journey.
“My favorite high school memory is my senior year prom night. I really enjoyed getting ready and spending time with my close friends,” To said. “Although it was stressful planning everything out, I had so much fun taking pictures, eating dinner, going to the prom, and having after-prom fun.”

This summer, To wants to keep the good times rolling by exploring her passion for vlogging. She will be filming a lot as she continues her journey at the University of Texas at Austin as an undeclared major.
“I am most looking forward to finding myself. As corny as it sounds, I literally have no idea what to major in or what my interests are. I am looking forward to finding what I want to study for the next 4 years and what career I want to pursue from it.”
To may not know exactly where her adventure may take her, but she does have some advice for those still finishing up high school.
“I would tell other students wanting to have a successful high school experience to always try their best. I personally really find myself to be regretful if I performed badly on a test, and there is more I could’ve done to prepare for it,” To said.
“It always gave me a sense of comfort that if I did bad, as long as I tried my best then there was nothing I could have done to change the outcome.”