As the graduating class of 2025 enters this new school year, activities and events surround the Rangers to celebrate the end of their senior year at Vista Ridge High School.
There have been different events and traditions held throughout the first month of the school year, consisting of senior sunrise, kid backpacks, painted parking spots, and senior overalls. Seniors talk about what their favorite event was and how they’re celebrating the end of high school.

Starting off the bat on the first day of school, seniors arose early for the first tradition of the year, Senior Sunrise. The tradition was held on the grass field at 6:45 am on the first day of school so rangers could come together with their friends and appreciate the sentimental moment.
“My favorite memory from senior sunrise was taking pictures and being able to talk and catch up with friends,” senior Delia Krushefski said. “It’s a lot of fun and it gives us a sense as a community to end it all together as a class.”
Right next to the grass field is a parking spot that holds all the seniors’ cars. The A lot at Vista shows splashes of different colors, and ideas of students. Filled from monopoly places to future colleges, the paintings of different students show their vibe and personality through their creative spot.
“With the parking spots, it all came together at the last minute because my friends wanted to do something alike and we chose monopoly spots because it was a pretty easy concept, and it only took 2 hours for each of us to paint our spots,” senior Christian Brown said. “I was really stuck on the phrase because my friends with the last name B already chose other things and I didn’t want to do the same as them, but my friend Dean’s mom picked broadway and I liked it so I chose it.”

“My parking spot is the school I’m committed to play for lacrosse, it’s kind of a big deal because I’ve been meshing with them for a year and I finally committed a few days before,” senior Logan Duffey said. “It took me probably two hours and my mom and dad helped me, I got the paint from Lowes and I went with my parents to get it.”
With the seniors celebrating their last year of high school, most students chose to go back in time and get backpacks that represented their childhood. Beaming colors from Spiderman, Barbie, and many kid-based shows fill the hallways. With these childhood backpacks, seniors hope to grab onto the last bits of their early youth.

“I saw people already having my backpack and I knew like ten other girls who had it so I wanted mine to be unique and special for my senior year so I put my name and patches on it to customize it,” senior Morgan Mcguire said. “It took me an hour to finish the customization, it was really easy, I just used a straightener to put on the patches.”
More events are happening around campus that encourage the seniors to engage in other traditions. White, red, and silver ribbons flow from mums and painted overalls consume the senior class. Showing off their school spirit at school and homecoming games, some students chose to paint a representation of their class on overalls.
“My favorite activity is the overalls, I think it’s really fun and a unique way to do whatever you want, there’s so much you can only do with the backpacks and parking spots but the overall is a weird thing to have to figure out how to decorate this weird and funk type of clothing,” senior Eleanor Ronan said. “I didn’t want them to be too Vista themed so I couldn’t wear them because I really wanted them to be something I could wear again, I wanted to do something more me so that’s why I have more pinks and blues and purples in my fabric compared to the vista red.”
The school year hasn’t quite ended yet, and neither are the traditions. Some seniors are looking forward to future events such as prom, project grad, and GRADUATION!! There are many events coming up that the seniors can participate in to end off their senior year.
A needed event coming close for seniors is senior portraits. To be able to be in the yearbook, sign up to take your picture today till January 3rd. Make a mark in your yearbook and buy one to keep the memories.