‘Young Frankenstein The Musical’ Opens Tonight

Dalton Marshall, Reporter

After their successful “Goodnight Desdemona, Goodmorning Juliet” play, the theater department has thrown themselves into a new performance – “The New Mel Brooks Musical Young Frankenstein” which opens tonight at 7 p.m.

It will run Jan. 21-22 at 7 p.m. and Jan 23 at 2 p.m. in the auditorium. Also, a special showing preview of the musical will take place on Friday during Ranger Time for $2. Tickets, along with Young Frankenstein merchandise, are available for purchase here.

This reimagined musical is based on the Young Frankenstein film directed by Mel Brooks starring Gene Wilder as Dr. Frederick Frankenstein. The musical is a comedic horror about Dr. Frederick Frankenstein attempting to complete his grandfather’s mad science experiments in bringing a corpse to life. He, along with his assistant Igor, his lab assistant Inga and his fiancé Elizabeth, succeed in bringing the corpse back to life by inserting a brain into a recently executed criminal and elevating him to the roof on a platform during a lightning storm creating Frankenstein’s Monster.

“Compared to ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ this musical is more fast-paced, comedic, unique and more appealing to an older audience. There are also a lot more tech aspects and effects along with dancing,” senior Noah Scibana said.

Many of the original elements are being incorporated from the film to the musical such as the songs “The Transylvania Mania,” “He Vas My Boyfriend” and “Puttin’ On The Ritz.” All of which will be composed by the orchestra and will have choreography included with them lead by Mary Shae Lancaster and Adele Simms, each with a lead role.

“Young Frankenstein will have lots of laughs, comedy, technical effects, tap dancing and mixed dance genres,” junior Zoe Arana said. “So be sure to buy your tickets and come check out the Ranger Time showing for a special preview of the musical.”

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