Sam Rhine Biology Conference Updates Biology Students

Sahiti Karumuri, Reporter

Vishaka Sangani


1. What is the Sam Rhine biology update conference?

“Its about the future of biotechnology and research we areVishakasangani conducting right now.”

2. Why did you want to go to the conference?

“Basically I wanted to know more about biotechnology and what the future holds and also so I didn’t have to do the alternate assignment.”

3. What was the most important or interesting thing you learned?

“How they used stem cells to understand DNA research.”


AnuAnu Satheeshkumar


1. What is the Sam Rhine biology update conference?

“About all the new developments, cancer research, stem cells, and new genetic discoveries.”

2. Why did you chose to go to the conference?

“I’m in Ap Biology and also I’m interested in genetics and medicine. ”

3. What was the most important or interesting thing you learned?

“I learned that you can create stem cells through embryonic cells. ”


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